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ActiveProtect is the new free next generation antivirus solution - now also available for Android phones! New viruses, malware and co. fastly spread also for android smartphones, so that a nanti virus tool is highly recommended.
*** NICE PRICE FOR INTRODUCTION: The addition premium features “WhatsAppp-Scanner” and Facebook-Scanner are available for a short time for ony 2,99 € instead 4,99 €. Simply download the app and press the premium advertising button. ***
ActiveProtect Features ★  Monitors in Realtime the download forlder★  Protects effictivly from virus and malware★  Allways up to date due to free CrowdLiveUpdate®★  Innovative Protection with over 50 virus scanning solutions at the same time★  Efficient: No additional Internet- or energy consumption★ Pro-Features: Scans also incoming files and pictures from chat tools like WhatsApp and Facebook-Messenger.
This innovative virus tool monitors the big weak point of your phone, the download folder, with an innovative method that works with over 50 virus scanners at the same time. With an notification your will directly be notified. Using the CrowdLiveUpdate® ActiveProtect will always know about the latest harmfull files, so that you are optimally protected!